“A playful multi-platform visual.”
We had a mission to reproduce the original experience of the book, Wonder, in the website, but without the copyrights of images, content and source code. So, we made a whole new range of illustrations reflecting all new website areas, following the same key visual identity of the original website. The one-page style navigation, helped us to show an integrated ambient passing through the content smoothly.

“We have to show Auggie’s world”
Auggie (August) Pullman is ten years old. He has had twenty-seven surgeries—some big, some small—and he has some medical mysteries that doctors still haven’t figured out. All of this comes from a specific gene. His parents and his sister, Via, each carry the gene, too, but only Auggie shows it.
Because of his surgeries, Auggie was homeschooled for a long time but started going to a high school, where he did start showing his friendly heart and stop hiding behind his Halloween costumes.