“Spices are more important than we imagine.”
When we put pepper in a recipe, we’re not just seasoning. We are making it more delicious and tweaking it to our own palate.
It’s common to remember our grandma’s steak milanesa, the mashed potato of our favorite restaurant or “mom’s special dish”, which are nothing more than well seasoned rice and beans.
What am I talking about?
Everyone that cook their own dishes, make it in their own special way, printing their trademark, almost like a signature. Thanks to Plesi, a simple steak can be made into grandma’s classic steak milanesa. Spices have that power. Not only giving people the potential of making a nice meal, but also giving them the potential to make incredible memories to last a lifetime.

“A multi players market, but few developed brands. Awesome!”
We found no more than a few consolidated and developed brands. Almost everyone was built around a superficial purpose and planning. In rare cases in which they were professionally managed, their speech and story were far from being pleasant and welcoming. No wonder resellers and shopping clubs are commonplace.
Instead, the target was identified by its passion for good food and the culinary habits.
So, the aim was to make the brand grounded in 3 pillars:
1) The product differentiation: handcrafted with high-quality raw materials and without preservatives, chemical additives or artificial flavorings, the products adds differentiation to any dish and can be used to make elaborate recipes or simple daily dishes. It’s rich in sensoriality and inviting by appearance (you can see the texture and colors), by curious aromas and surprising tastes. It plays with our senses.
2) Inspiration/connection: “Plezi” means “pleasure” in Creole lingo, original from the French colonies of West Indies and default in New Orleans, Caribbean and Central America. The recipes are French and Spanish (obviously) using the local ingredients. The tastes are robust, intense, and spicy using strong spices and herbs.
3) Consumer X Category: Not everyone can cook, but everyone loves to eat. And people have a natural curiosity by searching and discovering new things, especially the tasty ones. Besides, the other brands treat their customers like chefs. We don’t like it! We want to share and invite. We want to bring the beginners to the kitchen and have them join the experts at the table. 馃檪

Using the Cr茅ole Culture as a starting point, and because it’s the culinary product, I chose the color palette based on typical ingredients its cuisine. The paprika’s yellow (or corn’s), the lobster’s red (or pepper’s, or tomatoes) and the celery’s green (or lemon’s). The lettering was based on Gochi Hand font, because its cozy (remembering the “comfort food”) and because the figure of the letter Z reminds us of the number 3 (they are three partners). Also, it is a script font and brings us the gesture and authenticity of a handmade fresh food.